Evoking the Trance

Evoking the Trance

With Chris Berry and Friends

A intimate space open to intermediate to advanced musicians for trance cultivation and song catching.

June 7-9th 2024

A Weekend of Music

In this weekend, in the open arms of the forest spirits and guides of the seven directions we will lean in to a fusion of tradition spawn of the Africas to connect the realms through rhythm and melody and voice.

This weekend is for you if you have a particular interest in music as a vehicle for collective trance states. We will be co-creating musical containers orchestrated by Chris and friends to blend traditional rhythms with what we gather from other realms. We are exited to weave in the traditions and the living expression you carry.

This is not a class or a workshop although there will be learning. We ask that if you feel called to participate that you fill in the interest form and then we will send you a link for your payment.